Customers with special requirements

Priority Services Register

We want to ensure that all our customers receive the best possible service to meet their needs. If you have special requirements, you can add your details to the Priority Services Register. This is a list of customers who may need additional support.

Customers who qualify for the Priority Services Register include:

  • Customers of pensionable age
  • Disabled customers
  • Customers who have long term health issues

As well as letting you know about service changes or outages (to ensure you have resources to cover any equipment you may need), we’ll provide a meter reading service if you are unable to read your meter yourself.

These are some of the free services that we’ll provide to our Priority Services Register customers:

  • Agree a password that can be used for you to identify any person working for us or for your gas or electricity network company.
  • Send your bill or statement to any person you nominate, if that person agrees to receive it for you.
  • If no one at your home is able to read the meter, arrange for a quarterly reading and inform you of the reading.
  • If your meter is difficult to access and you can’t read it or insert your payment card/key, we may be able to arrange for the meter to be relocated.

If you’re visually or hearing impaired we also provide support to help you manage your account:

  • You can choose to receive your bills and statements in large print or Braille, for free.
  • For customers who are deaf or have hearing difficulties, we can offer free advice and support for those who have the correct equipment installed.

If you’d like to join the Priority Services Register, or access any of these services, please call Customer Services on or get in touch.

Helping you feel safe

We take your safety seriously. If someone comes to your door who says they’re from Liverpool Energy Community Company, here are some things you can do to make sure they are a member of our staff or one of our representatives.

Check their ID

Our representatives always carry identification cards. Don’t worry about asking to check their card carefully – genuine representatives of Liverpool Energy Community Company won’t mind at all.

Any of our representatives can provide contact details on request, for help and advice relating to your energy supply.

Call us

If you’re unsure that someone who’s come to your home really is a Liverpool Energy Community Company representative, call us on before you let them in. We’ll check their details.

Join our password scheme

For extra security, customers on the Priority Services Register can use our free password scheme. All you need to do is choose a password (make sure it’s something no one else can guess) then call us on . Let us know what it is and we’ll make sure anyone from Liverpool Energy Community Company visiting your home can confirm it with you

Action on Hearing Loss

The largest charity supporting people who are deaf, have a hearing loss or suffer from tinnitus. Contact them for free information on equipment that could help.



Text phone:

SMS: (standard text message rate applies)


Age UK

Advice for older people on money, care, health, housing and more.


Citizens Advice

It’s easy to get free, independent advice so that you “Know your rights” as an energy consumer. You might want to get a better deal, find out how to make a complaint, get advice about the quality of your electricity or gas supply, or ask for help if you’re struggling to pay your bills.


Phone:  England call 0, Wales call , Scotland call on .

Disability Rights UK

Promoting independent living for disabled people as well as giving support to carers.


The Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB)

RNIB offers information, support and advice to people with sight loss.



Royal Voluntary Service

The Royal Voluntary Service exists to help older people stay active, independent and able to be a part of their community by providing practical and emotional help when it’s needed.



Scope UK

Working to make the world a better place for disabled people and their families.




The national charity that supports and campaigns for children and adults who are deafblind.




Get in touch with us

You can contact LECCY customer services for free on .  Our customer services team can provide free help and advice if you have a question or issue.