Meter readings

Provide us with your meter readings to receive accurate bills. Log in to your account, email us at or call .

How do I read my meter?

Here are the different types of gas and electricity meters and how to read them.

Gas meter

Digital meter

Meter reading is 00372. Write down the five numbers shown from left to right.

Ignore the number(s) after the decimal point which may be shown in red.

Gas meter

Imperial meter

Meter reading is 2988. Write down the four numbers shown from left to right.

Ignore the number(s) shown in red.

Gas meter

Dial meter

Dial meter

Meter reading is 6456. Read the four dials from left to right along the bottom row only. Ignore any others and write down the number closest to each pointer. When the pointer is between two numbers, write down the lower number. If the pointer is between 9 and 0 write down 9.

Remember each dial turns in the opposite direction to the one before it, so check which way each turns.

Electricity meter

Single rate meter

Single rate meter

Meter reading is 07220. Write down the five numbers shown from left to right. Ignore the last number(s) which may be shown in red.

Electricity meter

Two rate meter

Two rate meter

Meter reading is 56315, 27457. For top and bottom rows, write down the numbers shown left to right. Ignore the last number(s) which may be shown in red.

Electricity meter

Two rate single display meter

Two rate single display meter

Some two rate meters only have one digital display and they either flash up the different rate readings in a cycle or you need to press the button to make the display cycle through the readings for each rate.

Electricity meter

Dial meter

Dial meter

Meter reading is 76416. Read the first five dials from left to right, ignoring the dial marked 1/10. Write down the number that the pointer has just passed – use the lower of the two numbers either side of the pointer.

It’s important to note that the sequence of numbers on each dial can alternate from clockwise to anti-clockwise.

Incorrect meter readings or meter not working

If you think your meter reading is incorrect, you can supply your own meter reading either by:

If you think your meter is not working properly, please call us immediately on .

If you are moving house, we can take your final meter reading before you move and we can discuss continuing to supply your energy at your new address.

Pay as you go meters

If you have a pay as you go meter we may not need to read it regularly as we receive updated meter readings when you top-up your gas or electricity.

Our pay-as-you-go guide has useful information about reading your meter.