Energy saving tips

Here are some tips and advice to help you save energy around the home – and save money on your bills

Practical, everyday tips are always helpful when looking to reduce the amount of energy used. Sometimes small and easy changes to the way we live can increase fuel efficiency and help reduce your fuel bill significantly. Try some of the tips below in your home and save yourself some ££££s.

In the kitchen

Only boil the amount of water you need, instead of filling up the kettle.

Boil the kettle for cooking instead of heating water on the stove – this will save time and is more energy efficient.

Keep your pan lids on while cooking – you’ll save time as well as money.

Defrost food overnight in the fridge rather than using the microwave.

When you’re washing, make sure that the machine is full so you don’t waste energy on a load. Cutting back by just one cycle a week will save £5 a year on energy, and a further £8 a year on metered water bills. Setting the temperature to 30°C or using energy saving mode can also reduce the amount of energy you use.

Check energy efficiency labels when replacing appliances like fridges and washing machines. The more efficient the machine, the more money you could save.

Heating efficiently

Turn down the heating a bit. When you reduce your thermostat by just 1°C, you could save £85 – 90 per year.

When it’s a warm day open the curtains to allow the heat in and close them at night, ensuring that they don’t cover the radiators to reduce heat escaping through the window.

Make sure your heating and hot water are only on when needed – if it’s very cold use your timer to set your heating to come on earlier and go off later rather than turning the thermostat up.

Close internal doors to keep heat in the rooms you are using, and turn your radiators off in unused rooms.

Pull furniture away from radiators or heaters to allow the heat to circulate around your room

Check for draughts around windows and doors. Draught-proofing materials are cheap and and you can buy them at your local DIY store.

If you have an economy 7 meter, set appliances with timers for the cheaper night rates.

Turn off your lights - save £15

Turn your lights off when you’re not using them. If you switch a light off for a few seconds, you’ll save more energy than it takes for the light to start up again, regardless of the type of light. This will save you around £15 on your annual electricity bill.

Get cavity wall insulation - save £135

Properties built after 1920 could benefit from cavity wall insulation. Without this insulation, up to a third of heat can escape. By having the gap in the brickwork filled, you could save up to £135 a year.

Turn appliances off - save £30

Turn appliances off instead of leaving them on standby – you could save £30 a year!

Turn down the heating - save £90

Turn down the heating a bit. When you reduce your thermostat by just 1°C, you could save £85 – 90 per year.

Did you know…

Energy saving light bulbs use less electricity than older style light bulbs.

Electrical goods like laptops and phones can still use energy when fully charged, so make sure you unplug them once they’re charged up.

Energy Saving Trust

You may be entitled to financial assistance towards the cost of insulation and heating improvements depending on your circumstances. The Energy Saving Trust will tell you what support you may be entitled to.

The Energy Saving Trust


The figures above are calculated using models or are based on evidence of field trials of products.  The amount of money that can be saved will differ from household to household.   Source: The Energy Saving Trust.